First World Irrigation Forum (WIF1) Sep 29, 2013 - Oct 03, 2013, Mardin, Turkey, Turkey

Irrigation and drainage in a changing world: Challenges and opportunities for global food security
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Sub-Theme 1: Policy, Science and Society Interactions
Sub-Theme 2: Challenges and Developments in FinancingIrrigation and Drainage Sector
Sub-Theme 3: Integrated Water Management Approachesfor Sustainable Food Production


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<p><strong>Geography</strong></p> <p>Turkey occupies a total area of about 783560 Sq.Km. of which approximately 10400 Sq.Km. are inland lakes. It forms the bridge between Europe and Asia, with about 3% of its land in Europe (Thrace) and the rest in Asia (Anatolia). Turkey is located between 26° - 45°E longitudes and 36° - 42°N latitudes. Turkey has an area of 78 Mha, of which about 1.1 million is inland lakes and forms an elongated rectangle roughly. The east-west direction is 1,650 Km and the north to south is 1,000 Km. Turkey’s average altitude (1,132 m) is higher than that (1,050 m) of Asia and three and a half times higher than that (330 m) of Europe. The total coastline is over 10 000 Km, compared to a total land border with other countries of about 2 950 Km in length.</p> <p><strong>Population and land ...Read more


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Side Event(s)

Workshops - International Workshops: Water Wisdom andSustainability; Developing ManagementStrategies for Coping with Drought and Water Scarcity; and Management of Water, Cropsand Soils under Climate Change
Side Events - A total of 23 side events were organized on a variety of topics related to the theme and sub-themes


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